Construction Technologies » Sheet Metal Fabrication

Sheet Metal Fabrication


Sheet metal workers are skilled tradespeople who make and install sheet metal components for various applications, including air conditioning, heating, and ventilating systems, kitchen equipment, roofing, siding, downspouts, and gutters. They also fabricate and install machine guards, restaurant and hospital equipment, brewery and dairy equipment, metal partitions, cabinets, shelving, lab and air filtering equipment, store fronts, and heat reclaiming equipment. Sheet metal workers can specialize in shop work, on-site installation, or both. They are employed across diverse industries such as construction, aircraft, space, shipbuilding, sign making, and solar energy. Working from blueprint specifications, they measure, cut, bend, shape, and fasten pieces of sheet metal to various foundations using a range of tools, including tapes, steel rulers, hand shears, hacksaws, power saws, drills, hammers, heavy steel presses, punches, and power shears. Unlike many other construction trades, sheet metal work is generally less seasonal, as much of the work is performed indoors. Qualified graduates can pursue advanced placement in a Trade Apprenticeship Program through Tech Prep. Students will also be NCCER trained through the program, providing valuable skills.

Program Highlights

  • Curriculum:
    • Making and installing sheet metal ducts for air conditioning, heating, and ventilating systems
    • Fabricating kitchen equipment, machine guards, and other metal fixtures
    • Installing restaurant and hospital equipment, brewery and dairy equipment, metal partitions, lockers, cabinets, shelving, and more
    • Measuring, cutting, bending, shaping, and fastening pieces of sheet metal to various foundations
    • Working from blueprint specifications
    • Advanced placement opportunities in Trade Apprenticeship Programs through the Pre-Apprenticeship Program Certification

Learning Experience

Students in the Sheet Metal program gain hands-on experience in fabricating and installing a variety of sheet metal components. The program covers both the technical and practical aspects of the trade, from working with blueprints to mastering the tools and techniques needed to shape and install sheet metal. The program prepares students for a variety of career paths in the sheet metal industry, with opportunities for specialization in shop work or on-site installation.


  • Pre-Apprenticeship Program Certification

Employment opportunities available with senior year co-op and after graduation:  

Metal building assembler, sheet metal worker, boilermaker, sign erector and repairer, coppersmith, sheet metal duct installer


Employment opportunities requiring two years of specialized training after graduation:  

HVAC systems drafter. Opportunities exist in construction, aircraft, space, shipbuilding, sign making, and solar energy.


Earning Potential Range:

$13.25/hr to $25/hr, depending on role and experience.



Mr. John Fitzgerald